Brown-0432 Europe: an aerial close-up

Picture Book  [ Browse Items ]
Picture Book 
Series Name
ASIN: B00005VTW3 
Charles Rotkin first started to make these pictures in the summer of 1956 when he had come to Europe on a series of magazine and newspaper assignments and thought that photograhing Europe from the air might be a fresh way of looking at an old subject. He had discovered that the quickest way to know the character of a city is to see it from the air. Contains black and white photographs of major cities in 15 Western European countries including Monaco and Vatican City. Most photos are full or double page with accompanying text and index. 222pp. From a reviewer: "This unique, provocative picture book shows the chief cities of Europe in a completely new dimension. Every picture is an aerial photograph, taken from a few hundred yards in the air by one of the best-known photographers in the U.S. Here are city squares old and new, castles, cathedrals, chateaux, famous shopping and pleasure places, networks of streets, boulevards and courtyards (some of the photos are virtually pictorial maps), rivers, bridges and glimpses of some old unchanging villages and countryside. Among the cities that may be seen here -- with the jog of surprise and discovery by the earth-bound beholder -- are London, Oxford, Edinburgh, Stockholm, Paris, Geneva, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Rome, Venice, Athens, and Madrid." 
Biblio Notes
by Charles E. Rotkin  
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